Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe,
90-year-old was elected by his fellow heads of state to replace Mauritania's
Mohammed Ould Abdel Azizas as Chairman African Union. The position rotates between
the continent's five regions.
"By electing me to preside over this august
body, with full knowledge of the onerous responsibility that lies ahead, I
humbly accept your collective decision," Mugabe said at the AU summit in
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Africa's longest-serving leader is still
viewed with respect by many on the continent after he led Zimbabwe to
independence, however, he is subject to travel bans in the European Union and
He was given a rare invitation to an
EU-Africa summit in Brussels last year, but boycotted it after his wife was
refused a visa.
When he initially took power he was seen as
promoting reconciliation, but controversial land reforms that forced out white
farmers from 2000 onwards drew ire in the West.
Since then, he has increasingly been accused
of human rights abuses and vote-rigging as his ZANU-PF party has clung on to
The old boy is full tricks you know. Wonder how he confused the African leaders to this decision. Ride on old horse!