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Monday, 6 April 2015

Father of girl who ran to join ISIS confess taking her to burning flag protests and demostrations when she was 13 years old

The father of a girl suspected of running away to join Isis in Syria said he took the youngster to a flag burning protest when she was aged just 13. 
Abase Hussen's daughter Amira was one of three young girls who flew to Turkey before being smuggled across the border into Syria in February. 
Mr Hussen was pictured at an extremist rally outside the US embassy attended by radical preacher Anjem Choudary where an American flag was burned. He was also seen at a second protest with his daughter outside the Saudi embassy to protest against the treatment of Ethiopians in the country. 

The 47-year-old who arrived in Britain in 1999 said he regretted attending the rallies along with his daughter who is now believed to be in Syria. 
He said he is not an extremist despite attending a rally where the US flag was burnt: 'It was a mass protest. I had heard it was going on from mosques, so I went there, I just went by myself, I went to show my feelings because my religion was being insulted, my faith. Protesting is not radical, it is our right.' 
During the US embassy protest, Mr Hussen was photographed near Michael Adebowale, one of men who was later convicted of the murder of Lee Rigby.  
Mr. Hussen said he is opposed to flag burning and felt ashamed by the rally. But that he and his wife brought Amira to the rally because there was no one at home to look after her. 
After leaving Ethiopia, Mr Hussen moved to Germany, but later settled in London. 'I came for democracy, for the freedom. For a better life for children so they could learn English.' .  Mr Hussen claimed that his daughter was 'not an extremist' and that he misses her.  

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