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Friday, 30 January 2015

Kill our pilot and we will execute all your prisoners with us - Jordan to ISIS

Jordan has sent a strong message to ISIS saying they will fast-track the execution of a would-be suicide bomber, Sajida al-Rishawi and other jailed ISIS commanders in Jordanian prison if ISIS goes ahead and kill captured 26-year-old pilot Al-Kaseasbeh.
The warning came after the deadline of Thursday at sunset  possible prisoner swap set by ISIS passed.
al-Kaseasbeh, when he was captured in December
More photos of his capture below

Jordan before now had asked ISIS to show proof that prisoner al-Kaseasbeh was still alive.  But ISIS is yet to show the proof.  And intelligence sources said ISIS refusal to proof that al-Kaseasbeh was alive meant any deal with the militants was doomed.
Jordan had agreed to an ISIS demand to free al-Rishawi who failed to fulfil her Al Qaeda mission as a suicide bomber.  In return ISIS will not execute 26-year-old pilot who was captured in December after his plane crashed near ISIS headquarters in Raqqa.

Suide bomber, Sajida al-Rishawi

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