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Wednesday, 11 March 2015

How the young Jihadi brides funded their trip to join ISIS in Syria

Kadiza Sultana stole jewellery to fund her trip to Syria
The three ‘Jihadi brides’ stole family jewellery to pay for their flights out of the UK, it was revealed yesterday.

Police have discovered they paid the £1,000 cost of their flights from Gatwick airport to Istanbul in cash.

Before they went missing, the girls are believed to have communicated with 20-year-old Aqsa Mahmood, a notorious jihadi who left Glasgow last year. 

The former medical student has become the online contact of choice for those wanting to travel to Syria and marry a militant fighter.

One of the girls, Shamima Begum, used her Twitter account to try to contact her directly, asking for her to open a private line of communication.

Friends suspect the girls were in touch with Mahmood and Islamic State recruiters via their mobile phones in the weeks before Christmas.

Police revealed yesterday that two women, aged 20 and 21, have been arrested in North London over the latter’s disappearance.

The suspects were held on suspicion of an offence under the Child Abduction Act and will answer bail next month.

The girls were pictured going through security at Gatwick Airport last month, dressed in Western clothes.

They were later seen on CCTV in Turkey, dressed in burkas and waiting for a bus to take them to the border with Syria.

They are now believed to be in Raqqa, Islamic State’s stronghold and scene of some of its most barbaric atrocities.
Former medical student, Asqa Mahmood, 26, notorious Jihadi young bride recruiter

Shamima Begin, 15, Kadiza Sultana, 16 and Amira Abasa, 16

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